Home Exercise Videos

We value home exercises as an important part of your recovery between treatment sessions but how many times have you lost them, not been able to interpret the stick figure drawings, not being able to feel the exercise where you think you are meant to feel them, or simply arrived home with good intentions only to not have the first idea of how to perform the exercises again.

At Cassowary Coast Physiotherapy, almost every patient will receive some form of home exercise program. To make these easy and fool proof for you to follow though, we have filmed ourselves teaching over 300 hundred of our specific exercises as we would teach you in clinic.

So for each exercise that your physiotherapist prescribes, you will have access to our unique high quality videos with audio instructions.

Using an advanced computer program, in your appointment, your therapist will simply customise the program for you, and you will receive an email with each individual exercise in video form.

Each exercise video you will receive is demonstrated by one of our physios that shows and explains exactly how to do your exercise with proper technique exactly as you were shown during your appointment. This means, when you get home you may watch it as many times as you like though your desktop computer to ensure you are performing it correctly and feeling it where you should feel it!

For those who like even more convenience, our reception staff will show you how to download our free app onto your phone or tablet.

From here you can log in to the program your therapist has created uniquely for you. You can view your program from any device, at anytime, anywhere you need to, as well as print your program list at any time with the click of a button.

We can drop additional exercises into your app regardless of where you are, and there is even an option for you to record pain levels, which if the pain reading is increasing to undesirable levels, will automatically alert your treating therapist.

So, everything we have created puts and end to the traditional physio, home exercise program. No more lost pieces of paper, no more illegible stick figures, no more wasting time and no more second-guessing whether you’re doing the exercise correctly.

All of which means you will recover and be back to your best self sooner and more effectively!